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First…why the name “ENOFYLZ”?….it’s the phonetic spelling of the word “oenophile”, which is a wine lover.

As I entered my mid-forties, my love for wine began to blossom, although I may have been a bit late to the party. My wife, who shares the same passion, was the driving force behind my newfound interest. Despite having amassed a sizable collection, we both agree that there is still so much to learn about this fascinating world. While my wife prefers to focus on the drinking aspect, I find myself drawn to the technicalities of wine. However, I’ve learned to temper my enthusiasm when sharing my knowledge with her, as she often teases me for providing “too much information.” To channel my passion in a more constructive way, I decided to create a blog where I can share my experiences and thoughts with friends, family and others keen to learn about wine It has proven to be a fun and rewarding way to continue my wine education, and I’ve come to realize that my love affair with wine is one that will last a lifetime.

I especially enjoy trying new wines, and exploring the wines of the world. I’m very active on CellarTracker.com (over 2,800 tasting notes and counting!) where  I go by the handle Martin Redmond

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook,Instagram, and Vivino  for all things wine. As a wino with latent foodie tendencies, you’ll also find food and wine pairings.  Become a fan and join ENOFYLZ Wine Blog on Facebook.

I also love the travel that comes with wine exploration. Wine country is almost always just so beautiful.

I hope you find this experience of learning about wine together as enjoyable as I do.

Thanks for finding me!

Wine Certifications and Continuing Education:

Media exposure:

Here are some prominent media affiliations, mentions and accolades:

4 Comments Add yours

  1. icelander1a says:

    Intersting:) look at my website…www.cookandgolf.com…Italy must be an interesting place for you 🙂

  2. Robin Sullivan says:

    We are going to the Tuscany region of Italy in March. Any must see’s (or tastes)?

    1. Martin D. Redmond says:

      Hi Robin – Thank for checking out my little place in the wine blog-o-sphere. I appreciate it. I’ve actually not been to Tuscany. I plan to rectify that later this year when I plan to spend a few week in Italy. But I do know someone who has been (she’s traveling there again in the March April timeframe) and I trust her. Here name is Michelle William of the Rockin Red Blog (rockinredblog@gmail.com). Feel free to reach out to her for recs. You might also check out this post for ideas…http://www.decanter.com/wine-travel/italy/top-10-tuscan-wineries-to-visit-13770/

      Thanks again!

  3. I like what you are doing. I am now a Subscriber. Check out my blog and please subscribe http://www.larrythewineguy.net My Day job and Night Job and during the sleeping hours job is SOMMELIER SOMMELIER …That’s all I talk about 24/7 I look forward to our interactions on each other’s blogs

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