The Best Wines to Pair with Tropical Food #SundaySupper

Today, the #SundaySupper family of food bloggers features recipes made with tropical food or originating from the tropics. I adore tropical flavors. They are among my most favorite foods.  Whenever I think of tropical foods the first thing  that comes to mind is a Jamaican Jerk.  In fact, my first #SundaySupper blog that featured both food…

Black-Eyed Peas and Greens Casserole and Wine Pairings #SundaySupper

As I stand upon the doorstep of another year, poised to step into 2014, one of the traditions our family has is eating black-eye peas for luck and greens (which represent money) for prosperity.  Our other tradition is that I make my Seafood Gumbo. We don’t always make the greens, but we always have black-eyed…