The Irresistible Delights of a PX Adult Float #WinePW

The theme for this month’s Wine Pairing Weekend (#WinePW) is pairing with with “junk” food. Our host this month is Wendy of A Day in the Life on the Farm. In her invitation for the event she stated “Junk food, like wine, is personal” and that we could “write about one of your guilty pleasures“.

For me, summer is a season synonymous with indulgence, a time to bask in the warmth of the sun and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. For over a decade, our favorite way to celebrate the season has been with a luxurious twist on a childhood classic: the “PX Float.” This delightful dessert combines the deep, rich flavors of Pedro Ximenez Sherry with (mostly) vanilla ice cream.

The Magic of Pedro Ximenez Sherry

Pedro Ximénez (“PX”) is crafted from overripe grapes of the same name, dried in the sun to create a must with exceptionally high sugar concentration. The wine undergoes an oxidative aging process, which gradually enhances its aromatic intensity and complexity while preserving the characteristic freshness of the grape variety. This sherry boasts a profound sweetness and complexity. Its dark, almost syrupy consistency and flavors of dried fruit, caramel, toffee, chocolate, and spice create a rich tapestry that pairs perfectly with desserts.

Tahitian Vanilla Ice Cream with Lustau “San Emilio Solera Reserva” Pedro Ximénez served at Taste- Plymouth

What makes PX Sherry truly stand out is its versatility. While it’s exquisite on its own, serving it over vanilla ice cream elevates both elements, creating a symphony of flavors and textures. The wine’s sweetness is balanced by the creamy, cool ice cream, and the depth of its flavor profile brings out new dimensions in the vanilla ice cream

Crafting the Perfect Adult Float
Creating an Adult Float is simple, but the results are extraordinary. Here’s how to make this indulgent treat:


  • 2 scoops of high-quality Tahitian vanilla ice cream, or gelato
  • 2 ounces of Pedro Ximenez sherry


  1. Place the scoops of vanilla ice cream in a chilled glass.
  2. Slowly pour the Pedro Ximenez Sherry over the ice cream, allowing it to pool around and slightly melt the edges of the scoops.
  3. Serve immediately with a spoon and a sense of anticipation.

As the sherry mingles with the melting ice cream, each spoonful becomes a decadent blend of cold, creamy vanilla and warm, syrupy sherry. It’s a dance of textures and flavors that delights the palate

Of course, it doesn’t have to be vanilla ice cream. I’ve also savored it with chocolate and salted caramel ice cream. Friends we introduced to this sweet indulgence recently sent me a text about how they elevated their PX Float experience:

Whether enjoyed on a quiet porch under the stars or shared with friends at a lively gathering, it never fails to impress. The tradition of savoring this dessert has become a cherished part of our summer ritual, a reminder that some pleasures are timeless. It’s a dessert that has stood the test of time, bringing joy and a touch of elegance to our summer evenings.

Check out these posts from fellow writers who embraced the challenge:

The combined wine writers will return in July with a #ItalianFWT with an Italian summer BBQ pairings theme. Stay tuned!


  1. Lynn says:

    Your guilty pleasure exposed! While I am a sherry lover, and in my former days I would sign up for your float, the sweetness of PX is too much for me. But I will still drool, and Mark can have my portion! Thanks for exposing your pleasure Martin ;-D

    1. Martin D. Redmond says:

      You’re so right about PX being so sweet. I typically just enjoy an ounce or two, but we especially enjoy PX Float during the summer. Cheers Lynn!

  2. wendyklik says:

    I LOVE this idea for an adult dessert. I’m so glad you joined us this month Martin.

    1. Martin D. Redmond says:

      Thanks so much Wendy. I hope you get a chance to try a PX Float soon!

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